Alexandros Georgiou | News
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Solo Show@Municipal Gallery Psychiko

Eliza Gerolymatou, the director of Lefas Municipal Gallery in Psychiko is curating a show with older and newer works of mine. Her selection and pairing of the works offer unexpected and refreshing new readings. The show opens...

Nuit des idées

On the 30th of January I was part the artists presenting works at Nuit des idées, at the Museum of Natural History in Irakleion, Crete. Organized by the French institute and curated by Eirini Linardaki. I presented...

Bushwick Open Studios 2017

Bushwick Open Studios was great again this year! It took place on the weekend of 22-24 of September. I suck in posting things, so it is more like old news right now:) Many thanks to all the...

In NYC till August 10th

Back in NYC, it has been a very intense past few months with the passing of my father and the birth of my son! So now I am focusing on completing the series of paintings of beings...

postGods exhibition catalogue wins distinction!

The catalogue for the exhibition postGods at the Benaki Museum of Islamic Art won a Distinction at the EBGE prize, the national competition for graphic design and illustration! Many thanks to thisisthat and Eliza Gerolymatou for having...

postGods on TV

Many thanks to Katerina Zaharopoulou and the crew from ERT2, for putting together this great show. Apart from my works it offers a rare chance to look at the Benaki Museum of Islamic Art and...

Athens and my dad

This is more personal news than work but I am still in Athens and not back to NY, due to the fact that my dad is very sick and I need to be here to...

Siena Art Institute talk

I had a talk yesterday about my traveling art projects at Siena Art Institute. Many thanks to all the people who filled the hall and listened to me talking for over an hour. I truly...

Residency at Siena Art Institute

I am now in Siena at the Siena Art Institute for a residency It is wonderful here, and I want to thank Eliza Gerolymatou once more for nominating me, and everyone at Siena Art...

Opening at Benaki Museum of Islamic Art

My Opening at Benaki Museum of Islamic Art on the 10th of November was a warm experience and I thank Eliza Gerolymatou who had the idea for the show, and Mina Moraitou for her warm...